What happens when at

Festivalito Rural  2019


Tango Holidays

Saturday, August 17 - Wednesday, August 21
Detailed programme can be found here.

Thursday, August 22
21:00 - 01:00bridge milonguita • DJ Tomaž Leskovšek

Festivalito Rural

Friday, August 23
16:30 - 19:30welcome milonguita (outdoor) • DJ Boštjan Rezar
19:30 - 21:00classes • with Detlef and Melina
20:00 - 22:00dinner (outdoor grill)
22:30 - 03:00milonga • DJ Melina Sedó
Saturday, August 24
08:00 - 11:00breakfast
10:45 - 11:45good morning bodywork • with Melina
12:00 - 15:30classes • with Detlef and Melina
16:00 - 20:30afternoon milonga • DJ Dawn Porter
20:30 - 22:30dinner
22:30 - 03:00milonga • DJ Lampis
Sunday, August 25
08:00 - 11:00breakfast
12:00 - 15:30classes • with Detlef and Melina
16:00 - 20:30farewell milonga • DJ Alja Ferme
20:30 - 22:30the last supper